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Az ön böngészője nem alkalmas a kiállítás látogatására!

Az oldalunk használatához ajánlott böngészők:

Ettől eltérő böngészőkben az oldal nem fog megfelelően működni, kérjük ezt tartsa szem előtt, és - ha nem rendelkezik még vele - töltse le még rendezvényünk előtt a fenti programok valamelyikét!


We hereby cordially invite you to the

Laboratory and Instrumentation online exhibition and fair

to be held between November 23-27, 2020. The event is organized with the collaboration of seven prestigious national associations (MAE, MBKE, METT, MAGE, HUNKOR, MAROVISZ, OAK).

Featuring the widest selection of laboratory equipment, devices and instrumentation in Hungary, the event now provides a platform in the virtual space for meeting partners and professionals. In this challenging and sometimes difficult situation, a virtual expo provides a great opportunity for our partners to get in touch with each other, to establish new business contacts and maintain the existing ones. It enables them to introduce themselves in a state-of-the-art, modern and fully safe environment to a wide professional public.

The organizers and co-organizers of the expo can address more than 5000 potential attendees in Hungary to invite them to participate. Thereby we are able to reach those experts applying the products and services of our potential exhibitors every day during their experiments in their labs, institutes and companies. Beside of the well-known products and services they have been using in their everyday research and professional work, at our expo they may find solutions for their practical problem which they have not come across as yet. The virtual expo is free for the participants and is open for 5 days live round the clock, but the exhibits can be viewed any time until the end of January.

Branches, represented by our partners

classic and molecular genetics
environment technology
non-destructive analitical technology (instruments and softwares)
materials science
materials informatics
laboratory instruments
corrosion technology in machine-, oil-, vehicle and construction industry
coating materials and instruments
coating technology, expertizing, consulting
Laboratory and Instrumentation e-Xpo
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